Onboarding with Shipvine
Welcome to Shipvine! We're excited to work with as you grow your business and want to help you with that growth. We understand that moving your business to a new warehouse is stressful and impacts your business. We want to make the process as smooth and efficient as possible. Our goal is to have you up and running as quickly as possible.
The more time you prepare for your switch, the less stress you'll have. Allowing for a minimum of 2 weeks from setting up your account to shipping your first order, gives us plenty of time to have everything ready and tested.
Step 1 - Open your account
If you have not yet contacted Shipvine to open your account, start by filling out this form to get a sales rep to assist you:
Once your account is opened, we'll email you with your user name and a temporary password.
Step 2 - Link your store with us
To make sure everything links properly, we'll assist you in this process. When you're ready send an email to
support@shipvine.com and ask for assistance setting up your e-commerce store. We'll help you determine the best start date and to verify data is flowing between the two systems correctly.
If you're planning to write your own custom connection with us, you can find documentation here for our REST API:
Step 3 - Decide on your shipping methods
We'll need to match your shipping methods to our shipping methods. For example, you may offer a shipping method called "Free Shipping". We'll need to match your free shipping method to one of our low cost methods such as "Domestic Deferred".
Here's a listing of the shipping methods we offer:
You can offer your customers as many shipping methods as you want; however, we're a big fan of 3 or 4 domestic and 1 or 2 international. Here's our recommended list:
Your Method
| Our Method
Free Shipping
2 Day
1 Day
If you need help deciding on a shipping method for your store, let us know and we'll be glad to assist you. After you decide, let our customer service team know by sending an email to
support@shipvine.com. We're also available via chat and phone.
Not sure if you're charging enough for shipping? Try it for 30 days then run our Shipping Methods report. It will give you the cost of shipping versus the amount you're paying. You can average these out to make sure you're covering the amount you need.
Step 4 - Enter your products into our system
We've created this article to help you upload your products into our system:
If you need additional help uploading your products we're always available to assist you.
Step 5 - Ship your goods to us
Let us know what you're shipping in and when to expect it. Simply create an inbound shipment:
You can read more about inbound shipment here:
You can ship your products to us via shipping container, motor freight, UPS, FedEx, DHL, USPS or other method. Just make sure it's addressed correctly.
[Your Company Name]
C/O Shipvine
2200 Decatur St
Richmond, VA 23224-3716
Phone +1-804-433-3127
C/O Shipvine
Receiving Manager
[Your Company Name]
2200 Decatur Street
Richmond, VA 23224
Phone 804-433-3127
[Employee Name]
2200 Decatur Street
Richmond, VA 23224
Phone: 804-433-3127

There is a $25/box fee for all inbound shipments arriving addressed to a specific employee at Shipvine. All international shipments should arrive DDP (Delivery Duties Paid) - If the shipment is accepted at Shipvine, we charge a 10% fee to pay duties and taxes on your behalf.
Step 6 - Ready to go live
Everything is setup and ready, just let us know you're ready to go live. Keep a close eye on things for the first few weeks to make sure every order is shipping! As always if you see a problem let us know and we'll help track it down.