Logistics API: Outbound Shipments

Logistics API: Outbound Shipments



The outbound shipments resource represents a "collection" of all of the outbound shipments recorded in the Shipvine Logistics system. Merchants can extract information about their outbound shipments by sending GET requests to this resource.



Query Parameters

The method supports the following query parameters:

Parameter Required? Description
merchant-code Yes The unique merchant code assigned to the merchant's account.
created-since No

A date and time, universal coordinated time (UTC). If specified, only outbound shipments that have been created at Shipvine Logistics since the specified date and time will be returned in the response. If not specified, the first few hundred outbound shipments associated with the merchant's account will be returned.

The date and time should be in a format that is readily parsable. The canonical date and time format is ISO 8601 format. For example, 1994-11-05T13:15:30Z.

For most integrations, the typical behavior is to leave out the created-since parameter on the first request, and then send the parameter on each subsequent request. Doing this keeps transfer times between the Shipvine Logistics API and the merchant's e-commerce server low by only sending the outbound shipments that have been created since the last request.

We recommend "backdating" the created-since parameter by a few minutes in case the time on your e-commerce server drifts from the time on the Shipvine Logistics API server. An integration should gracefully handle the scenario where the same outbound shipment is encountered multiple times.

Example Request Query String


Example Request Query String


Entity Body

No entity body may be specified in the request.


If successful, the API will return 200 OK as well as a <OutboundShipments/> element in the entity body. See the XML schema for details about that element.

If any error occurs, the HTTP status code will not be 200 OK . An <Errors /> element may be present in the entity body.

Example Response Entity Body

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<OutboundShipments xmlns="urn:WarehouseFS-1.0">
    <FulfillmentRequest> <!-- (1) -->
    <IdentificationNo>LN999999999US</IdentificationNo> <!-- (2) -->
    <CarrierMethod> <!-- (3) -->
      <Name>USPS First Class Mail International</Name>
      <Name>Polyamide Bag</Name>
    <Cost> <!-- (4) -->
    <MerchantPrepaid>True</MerchantPrepaid> <!-- (5) -->
    <Lines> <!-- (6) -->
      <Name>USPS Priority Mail</Name>
      <Name>Polyamide Bag</Name>
          <MerchantIdentifier>6219523-Glacier Grey-Small</MerchantIdentifier>
  1. The <FulfillmentRequest /> element describes the fulfillment request that the outbound shipment is associated with. Most merchants look at the <MerchantIdentifier /> element to determine which order to mark as shipped in their own e-commerce systems.
  2. The tracking number or identification number for the parcel. For international air mail shipments, this value may be a customs declaration number instead of a true tracking number.
  3. The carrier method describes how the parcel physically shipped. In this example, the merchant originally specified INTL-DEFERRED and Shipvine Logistics shipped the parcel via USPS First Class Mail International.
  4. The estimated final cost of the shipment. This value may be adjusted in a later billing cycle for exceptional circumstances.
  5. Some Shipvine Logistics merchants pay for USPS postage directly. In such cases, Shipvine has no need to bill the merchant for the shipping cost because the merchant already paid for the postage. If this value is false, then the merchant can expect to see this shipping charge on its next bill.
  6. The <Lines /> element describes exactly which items were shipped in the outbound shipment. For retail orders, there is usually only one outbound shipment, so all of the items in the original fulfillment request are repeated here. Larger orders may be split into multiple boxes, however, and would generate multiple outbound shipments. A merchant could inspect this element to determine which items a customer should expect to receive in which box.
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