How do I manage users for my Shipvine merchant account?

How do I manage users for my Shipvine merchant account?

Shipvine is split up into a few separate systems. Users with access to your Shipvine merchant account may have access to all or some of them.
  1. Shipvine Logistics — the main warehouse management system where you can view orders, inventory, and shipments
  2. Shipvine Bills — the invoicing system where you can review Shipvine charges and pay them
  3. Shipvine Labels — the transportation management system where you can get shipping rate quotes and generate one-off shipping labels
  4. Shipvine Accounts — a single sign-on system that lets you use one user name and password to log into the above systems
(There's a fifth system called Shipvine Sync that we normally don't provision direct access to. It handles shuttling data back and forth between Shipvine Logistics and your e-commerce platform.)
There's no limit on the number of users per Shipvine merchant account, and there aren't any per-user licensing fees, so we recommend provisioning one for each real person in your company who needs to have access.

Account owners only

To be able to manage users, you'll need to be designated as an owner of the Shipvine merchant account, which is usually done when we first provision your user account as part of your onboarding process with Shipvine. If you're an existing Shipvine customer and you're not listed as the owner but you think that you should be, please reach out to us at Shipvine Support.

Two-factor authentication required

To be able to access the user management area, you'll need to have two-factor authentication required on your Shipvine user account. This adds an extra layer of security by requiring to enter in a constantly-changing six-digit passcode from your smartphone when you log in. If you don't have it turned on, then you'll be prompted to turn it on when you try to access the user management area. How do I set up two-factor authentication?

Viewing users

To see what users have access to your Shipvine account, go to the Client Users section of Shipvine Accounts. You'll see a listing of users as well as "Yes" or "No" bubbles that indicate whether or not they have access to a particular Shipvine system.

In the example above, the "Demo User" is the account owner and has access to all systems. "E.L. Fudge" is completely disabled. "Sally Seashells" has access to the Bills system only.
If the user name is crossed out, then it means they are disabled in Shipvine Accounts, and they will be unable to log in even if they still technically are enabled in one of the other systems. This sometimes happens with legacy users.

Adding a user

It's only a few steps to add a user to your Shipvine merchant account.
  1. From the Client Users page, click the "Create New User" button to go to the New User page.
  2. Then, Fill in the "User Name" (which must be unique), "Personal Name", and "E-mail Address" fields. (The "E-mail Address" field is optional, but we recommend including it. You can also make the "User Name" the same as the "E-mail Address" if you want.)
  3. If you check the "Owner" box, then it means that the user will have the ability to create and edit other users on your Shipvine merchant account, including yourself! You should only make highly trusted people like your business partners owners. You can have more than one owner on the Shipvine merchant account.
  4. Finally, check off the systems that the user should have access to. (You can change these later, too.)
  5. Then click "Create User".
The user's temporary password is displayed.
If you provided an e-mail address, then the system automatically sends a welcome email to the new user with the temporary password, so there's no need to message them directly about it. Any other users listed as owners will also get a notification email for security reasons letting them know that you just added a new user to the account.

In this example, we're giving Billy Bob access to Shipvine Logistics and Shipvine Bills, and he won't be able to manage other users because he isn't an owner.

Changing or disabling a user

If an employee needs access to a new system, or if they've left the company and you need to disable them, it's just a few clicks.
  1. From the Client Users page, click the "Edit" button next to the user that needs to be changed.
  2. To disable the user completely, uncheck the "Shipvine Accounts" checkbox, and all the other systems will also be unchecked. Then click "Save". Otherwise, set the access levels as necessary.
  3. Click "Save User".

In this example, Sally Seashells has left our company. We've unchecked all the checkboxes under "Access", so she won't be able to access anything.
You can't delete a user for auditing reasons, but you can disable them by removing all of their access.
You can't edit yourself, because you might accidentally remove your own access to the account. If you're transferring ownership of your company to another user, create that user as an owner, and then ask them to log in and revoke your access.
It may take up to 60 seconds for the changes in user access to be reflected in the various Shipvine systems.

A word on Logistics API Keys

Some users on your account may have a little triangle next to them with a warning that says they have something called "Logistics API Keys".

This means that, during your onboarding process with Shipvine, your e-commerce platform integration was configured to impersonate that user when communicating with Shipvine Logistics for the purpose of submitting orders and retrieving inventory and tracking numbers. If you revoke that user's access, then it means that your integration might stop working, so the system won't let you do it.

This user has Logistics API Keys, so the system will not let you revoke their access from Shipvine Logistics.

If you need to disable a user that has Logistics API keys, you have two options:
  1. You can leave the Shipvine Logistics access turned on, but revoke access for all of the other systems, including Shipvine Accounts. This prevents interactive login and de facto blocks the user from interacting with Shipvine systems, but the integration behind the scenes will continue working.
  2. Contact Shipvine Support and ask that the Logistics API Key used in Shipvine Sync be moved to another user account that you specify.

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