Set Pre-order Quantity
To set a pre-order quantity in our system edit the SKU in question and change the pre-order quantity to the desired number: When this number is set we will report to Shopify the quantity on hand plus the pre-order quantity as available inventory. ...
How do I manage users for my Shipvine merchant account?
Shipvine is split up into a few separate systems. Users with access to your Shipvine merchant account may have access to all or some of them. Shipvine Logistics — the main warehouse management system where you can view orders, inventory, and ...
Onboarding with Shipvine
Onboarding with Shipvine Welcome to Shipvine! We're excited to work with as you grow your business and want to help you with that growth. We understand that moving your business to a new warehouse is stressful and impacts your business. We want to ...
Reports provided by Shipvine
This article applies to our legacy Shipvine Logistics portal and is not valid for our modern Shipvine Client Portal. Shipvine provides a wide array of reports that will compliment reporting from your e-commerce and/or other order management platform. ...
Add Insert to order
This article applies to our legacy Shipvine Logistics portal and is not valid for our modern Shipvine Client Portal. Do you need to add an existing insert to one of your orders? Follow these simple steps: 1. Select the candidate request you wish to ...
How do I manage the e-mail notifications that I'm getting from Shipvine?
Shipvine's systems can send you automated e-mails when interesting events happen, like an incoming order from your website (known as an "API Submission") has a problem and gets moved to candidate requests, or when an inbound shipment is done ...
What's a CSV file?
The "CSV" in "CSV file" stands for "comma-separated values". Sort of a lingua franca of information exchange, it's a way of saving a spreadsheet (known generically as "tabular data") in a simple text file that can be read by just about any system (as ...
What does 3PL stand for?
3PL is short for third-party logistics, which is a fancy way of saying "a warehouse that stores other company's products, and when that company gets an order from a customer, the company tells the warehouse to ship the order to the customer". So the ...
What is an API submission?
When an integration like Shipvine Sync pulls an order from an e-commerce platform like Shopify, or when you integrate directly with the Shipvine Logistics API, it's saved in Shipvine Logistics as an API submission. It's queued up for validation, and ...
What is a candidate request?
This article applies to our legacy Shipvine Logistics portal and is not valid for our modern Shipvine Client Portal. A candidate request is a draft version of a fulfillment request. They can reserve inventory in Shipvine Logistics and be used as a ...
What is a fulfillment request?
This article applies to our legacy Shipvine Logistics portal and is not valid for our modern Shipvine Client Portal. The main object of interest in the Shipvine Logistics system is the fulfillment request. The reason we use this term instead of ...
Holiday Schedule
Shipvine is closed or offering limited service on select days. A PDF version is available in the attachments below.
Privacy Policy
Information collection and use Shipvine is the sole owner of the information collected on this site. We will not sell, share, or rent this information to others in ways different from what is disclosed in this statement. Shipvine collects information ...
Terms and Conditions
See the attached PDF document for the current Shipvine Terms and Conditions.
Refund Policy
For new merchants: 60-day money-back guarantee New merchants can try Shipvine services for up to 60 calendar days. If not satisfied, the merchant may terminate service and request a refund for fulfillment and service fees. Shipping charges and ...
How to request expedite service on a Fulfillment Request
To expedite processing on a Fulfillment Request you will need to create an Expedited Service request via our Logistics website so we can get this taken care of for you. To do so: 1. Select the fulfillment request that needs expedited service. (if ...
Create shipping label using Shipvine Labels
How to create a shipment in Shipvine Labels 1. Log into Labels at: or select Labels from the Sites navigation menu in the top right hand corner of any Shipvine website. 2. To create a shipment, start by ...